Most Common Corrosion Problems and Why You Must Care about Them


The water pipe system at our house has its lifespan. Your kitchen-sink pipes will not last forever, and at some point, they will need a total replacement. Sediment build-up, high water pressure, and bacteria presence might shorten the life of house plumbing pipes.

Kitchen PlumbingThe disintegration process is named corrosion. It is the process of pipe degradation affected by the exposure of surrounding substance. And there are types, followed by the risks, of corrosion that may occur to your household plumbing pipes.

Copper corrosion

PipeWe use copper for plumbing pipes because it is the most resilient and affordable material that can withstand corrosion and chemical permeation. Household copper pipes are meant to last for around twenty years. But the water contaminants from one place to another is very different, and that explains why for some regions, plumbing service is vital.

The signs of copper corrosion are the presence of colored water near the plumbing system, water droplets on the pipe joints, sediment deposits, and bad smell from the water. Water with high copper saturation is toxic, while water with a low level of copper can tint our laundry and change the clothing’s color.

Iron corrosion

corroded pipeThe second type of metal that we often use in pipes is cast iron. It depends on your region whether your house uses cast iron pipes or not. In case you do use them, iron corrosion is prone to oxidation.

The oxygen in the water can bond with the iron molecule from the pipe, and they will form rust. Over time, the rust will blend with the water and give it the reddish color. This contaminated water, of course, is not healthy to drink. And it can cost you your clothes if you wash them with the water.

Unlike copper corrosion, iron corrosion breaks apart the pipe faster. Fissures are easily visible, and spraying leaks will mostly occur sooner or later.

Cast iron pipes are also the worst for a water heater. If contaminated with rust corrosion, the sediment can clog the water heater and make the heating process much more difficult. It will waste your resources.

Corrosion related bacteria

Heavy PipeBesides the chemical reactions, microorganisms can damage your plumbing pipes as well. Impure water contains bacteria of which the metabolic process turns the water’s pH. Both alkaline and acidic water is harmful to all metal pipes. Household water should be only within 6.5 to 8.5 pH level.

Bacteria corrosion also gives the water bad smell and taste. And you should act immediately if the corrosion has affected the entire household water supply. Otherwise,pest infestation will be more likely to occur.

But the problem does not lie on your pipes, but on the water. So replacing the pipes will not solve anything. What you can do is to report to your local water department, so that they will alter the chemical structure of the water.…